Monday, September 19, 2011

For the crowd out there who is feelin' optimistic

The things that the Lord does in my life on a daily basis...just wow. Every day I pray, and EVERY day I receive. God is truly amazing.

I was driving home from the YOUNGLIFE T SHIRT GRAB that was at THPRD tonight, and I just had this bubbly sensation going on in my stomach. And no, it wasn't the orange soda I had consumed just moments earlier. Ever since I've been letting go of the control factor in my life, things have been, almost effortlessly on my part, falling into place perfectly. The only limit on blogging is I can't show you how blessed I am, my life is a 'you just had to be there' kind of thing. :)

Anyway, here are some images that add to my cheery mood tonight. Enjoy! God Bless.