Friday, November 11, 2011

OWS Attacks.

I just needed to say this before I go to bed. Yes, there has been some verbal attacks towards the news crew from people in downtown Portland who are protesting wall street. But let me just say that those attacks have been from oh, I don't know, 1 out of 100 people? Not everyone is like that, we need to stop generalizing groups of people based off of one person's mistakes. I just hope that people don't buy into this whole "occupy wall streeters are hypocrites; they exert violence when they speak of peace!" talk. It may be true for a minuscule amount of cases, but for the majority of Americans, OWS protesters have a RIGHT and a REASON to be out on the streets protesting. You may not understand it, but that just means you should do some actual research instead of watching just one source of news from fox or any other news stations. Get a variety of background on WHAT THIS PROTEST IS ACTUALLY ABOUT; and then see if some sort of understanding crosses your mind. I'm sorry if this sounds a little angry, but I let this kind of stuff get to me pretty easily.

That's my opinion for the night,
Goodnight! Thanks for reading.