Tuesday, December 20, 2011


As you can tell, the winter is a very busy time for me. You can tell this by the absence of blog posts. Mind you, I still very much want to blog and will probably pick it back up around spring time. For now, however, I have a close to insane schedule revolving around basketball, school, college apps, IB stuff, my new niece, family, friends, and pleasing those whom I love for Christmas. Honestly, if I could bring myself to blog then I would, but naturally, my limbs and emotions are exhausted by all this stress that I bring upon myself around this time of year. Blogging will be infrequent, I'm sorry to disappoint anyone who actually reads this (haha).

HOWEVER when I do blog, I promise it will be great! Well, by my standards.

For now, all I want to say is to celebrate the holidays with those you can't dream of losing. That may be your family, friends, mentors, or just people whom you are fond of. Remember, giving is a thousand times more important than receiving this time of year. Use your blessings and shed them upon others who are not so fortunate. There's nothing I can press more than using your resources for the greater good. If every person gave even just a little bit of what they have to others around this time of year, a lot of people living in poverty right now would have a slightly less impoverished holiday. That's just a guess, but it seems fairly accurate.

Merry Christmas; As always, I hope you remember the true importance of this holiday. Have a great night everyone!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

To live.....

"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, and that is all." -oscar wilde

Saturday, December 3, 2011


There may be skeptics about the way in which the world was created, but I'd argue that nobody can truly believe that we, as humans, have no meaning and are basically accidents. Why you ask??? BECAUSE look at this face. Edith, my niece, is such a light. She is proof that there is and always will be good in the world. IN FACT, she is proof that the good will always out weigh the bad. And this good is no mistake. One look at her and my entire day that was filled with negative and detrimental things is now brightened and satisfying. This one baby, speaks volumes to me about life and it's purpose/ my perspective on it.

I know this is kind of a stretch and it may seem like I'm being sarcastic, but I'm serious! I'm very excited to be a mother one day, but for now, Edith will be more than enough :) Maybe I'll elaborate on this a little more later. Goodnight for now!