Thursday, July 21, 2011

Never good enough, or too good.

Hello! Here's my thought of the hour: A really common excuse for relationships not working out is that the man or woman just "wasn't my type" or "didn't meet my expectations". But what about when someone exceeds your expectations? We would feel insecure and inferior, there for we wouldn't be able to sustain a healthy relationship easily. Potentially we could start to idolize that person, or hold them up on too high of a pedestal. So if they do make a mistake, it seems catastrophic. Why are relationships so complicated? Because if they were simple, we'd be bored too easily. People need variety, but also stability. People want so much out of a person, but only need so little. If you are wondering why I'm being so inquisitive, what has sparked these questions, I DON'T REALLY KNOW. Honestly I don't understand half the stuff that goes on in my brain. (Which is a bit sad considering only 10% of our brains are active in the first place)