Tuesday, August 9, 2011

GIANT realization/reality check

I know that we hear about this stuff all the time through the news, the paper, our parents, teachers, ads, billboards, or whatever it may be, but it's time to take action. Today, I was driving home from a movie with my close friend Haley, and a giant realization smacked us over the heads. Americans indulge in a disgusting amount of food, cloths, jewelry, shoes, watches, tvs, appliances, technology or whatever we desire. Haley brought up a good point. Imagine a 1.99 app on an itouch. A game you'll probably play for a week, maybe 2, maybe a month if it's good. That money could be donated towards the aid to help the people in Africa out of their poverty stricken state. I know this money wouldn't make a difference if only one person donated, but can you imagine if an entire mass of people were selfless for a day? Instead of buying that new pair of designer jeans, put that money to use by researching a trustworthy business that sends the money over to aids that help build shelters or deliver food for these desperate people. Also, in a perfect world all the crime ridden activities along with famine, pollution, inflation, corruption and what not would not exist or at least exist in a lot smaller amount because people would just love on one another. Just a thought. I think a lot.