Saturday, August 27, 2011

My internet hasn't been working!

So that is why I have been lacking in the blogging realm. But I promise I have not run out of things to say, I am just full of words practically at all times. (this could be good, or bad, depending on your perspective) Anyway, I guess I have been thinking a lot about friends and relationships, basically what I've learned this summer. So here's my quick say. (hehe quick always means sort of long when I say it)

Through out our lives, certain people make substantial impacts on us during a specific time or phase, then they more than likely become distant and then disappear form our lives completely. (At least that’s been the pattern in my life.) People who you thought you’d be close to forever even sometimes fade from our every day routines. But when someone stays apparent in your life, when your bond is strong enough to last years and years to come, that’s when you know your relationship is special. All my middle and high school life I have felt as if I transition from group to group seasonally. We have fun doing surface level things, but nothing I’d remember in twenty years as beneficial and significant. Due to the unstable group of friends I possessed, I myself became insecure and lacked balance. One of the pastors at the church I attend (who also stands as my role model) once said, “Bad company creates bad character”, which I have learned, the hard way, to be true. I consider myself a strong, open minded and fun human being all around, but when I surrounded myself with people who didn’t share my opinions or ideas or general morals, my assets became foggy and hidden. No longer was I as sure of myself as I had been even in primary school. However as time went on, and I experienced many different people who came and went in my life, I learned a very important life lesson. Instead of surrounding myself with people that I wanted to like me, I needed to surround myself with the ones who I wanted to be better for. And by better, I mean more loving, caring, respectful, mindful, purposeful, spiritual, intellectual, and overall just a well rounded person. I needed to surround myself with people who I genuinely cared about through out all parts of the year, instead of on occasion when it was convenient for us. Friends need to be people who you don’t feel awkward or intimidated around. I have learned that friends care for you no matter how broken or disheveled you may be at times. If they get the pleasure to be friends with you at your best, then they sure as hell need to be able to handle you at your worst. After all, God made us to be in relationships with people, and that means through the bad times and the good. :)