Sunday, September 18, 2011

Finally, an organized post!

Reasons why I don't like texting all the gosh darn time:

1) Calling a person and discussing whatever said topic is, is immensely quicker and less time consuming than texting them all day.

2) A CRAZY AMOUNT OF EMOTION IS LOST WHILE TEXTING-you can't see there facial expressions, hear their voice, tone, sarcasm, or even clearly understand what mood they're in.

3) A leading cause of fights in high school is directly linked to text messaging. It also creates an easy way for people to say things they wouldn't say in person. (as does any internet or social networking site)

4) Serious conversations are tempting through text because you feel bolder-but if you can't do it in person, then it's not substantial or even genuine at ALL. No exceptions...

5) So many awkward things can happen. Sending a text to someone random when you meant to send it to the person you've been texting all day...awk. Or butt dials, awkward flirting, creepy people, etc. etc.

6) Phones die during conversations, people don't. (hopefully)

7) Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and texting 24/7 makes the fire kinda die out quick

8) If it was that important, you'd call

I UNDERSTAND that texting is a great way to communicate things like grocery lists, quick questions, and chatting every once in a while with people but jeez people, we are wasting away the precious days that we've been graced with! One of my goals this year is to spend more time in reality than on some technological device. Believe it or not, my generation has more conversations on the inernet than in real life...craaaazyyy. Alright well that's my rant for the night, if you want to talk to me don't be scared to text me but just know that I prefer calls :) MUCHLOVE

ps shout out to my friends who started blogs: Trevor Allen, Kendall Davis, Eric Webber and Anna Duncan (soon Jake Peterson)