Thursday, September 15, 2011

My top 5 values

I was watching a PBS viewing of a man who had established his top five values, and with that he decided to strive for his dreams and in everything he did, use those values. It intrigued me to blog about MY top five values. They are in no specific order, because they are all of equal importance and work together to make up a unified whole.

1) Kindness

2) Faith

3) Honesty

4) Open-mindedness

5) Charity

With that being said, I really believe that if someone strives to achieve (noticed, strives) all of these values, then the world would, simply stated, become a much better place to live.
Of course, we all falter and can not actually live up to the expectations we set for ourselves. But if we don't set any, then how do we know what were trying to accomplish? Without goals, our lives would be an inconsistent mess of confusion, chaos, anger, depression, etc. etc. As a senior in high school, this type of behavior is not uncommon. Teenagers sometimes believe that nobody can tell them what to do! Not even themselves? And they follow no pattern in their actions. The result, is drama drama drama and more drama. Not to mention loneliness and counter-productivity. People fascinate me in my school. It's actually become a hobby with my friends to just watch some of the lives of the people who attend Sunset, like it's public television or something. Very entertaining, although not desirable.

Anyway, I feel really good today. I'll update you on how long my good mood lasts. Although I refuse to limit myself; If I have my way, it'll last a very, very long time. Thanks for listening :)

Ps Abe Lincoln was the first to use emoticons in a speach-he drew a smiley face next to the words just so he'd remember to smile. Thanks Mr. Ciebert for that fun fact of the day. (my IB english II teacher)