Tuesday, September 20, 2011

If you respect me you'll read this!

I hope that got your attention. I am currently writing this post in order to accomplish multiple things. The first being that I want to help support my favorite stations, OPB and PBS. Become a supporter by donating your time or money, so that broadcasting stays local and TRUE. You don't want your factual news channels or radio stations tampered, do you!!??! So help keep these great news resources local and alive in your area.

(just copy and paste these into your URL browser)



NEXT I want to express to any of those reading how frustrating it is to blog for me. I love it, but here's the deal. No matter what I say, I always feel like I am not saying it the right way. As in, I feel like I am limited by my own vocabulary. There's little I can do about this right now, but hopefully in college I'll expand my verbal skills a little farther. I am so jealous of those people who are naturally gifted at using more expressive and specific words on a regular basis. I shouldn't be too hard on myself though because I am a primitive blogger and I haven't had much practice simply writing down what I want to say spontaneously, with little organization.

Another very important topic: If you are eligible to vote and have not yet heard of the school bonds, PLEASE VOTE FOR THEM TO PASS! Here is more information on what exactly it is.


As cliche as this is, The students are the future, and they need the best education they can get to deal with the mess that a certain past president has left for us.

Side note, I am now considering a major in political science. Interesting stuff. Nothing more here.