Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I'm back :)

Psalm 73:26
My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.

After a roller coaster of events, this verse is what keeps me moving forward.

I haven't blogged recently because I've been experiencing simplistic yet new emotions recently that I have been unable to describe via typing. A series of fortunate events has led me to see, quite blatantly, the change in my character since the beginning of high school. It's such a beautiful thing to realize that everything that has happened in my entire life, has led me to where I am today. If anything had gone different, who knows where I'd be! It makes me appreciate everything in my life that has happened, good and bad. I no longer regret my past mistakes, because I have either learned from them or am in the process of figuring out how to learn from them. That isn't to say that there are not things in my past I wish hadn't happened-but it's out of my control and I'm striving forward now.

I have also become comfortable with the fact that I am going to college, and things will change. Change used to repel me, but I have come to the conclusion that nothing advances with out something changing (which sounds so obvious, but to me, it was a hard realization). The change may not seem directly for the best, but eventually it leads to a success. OH MY THAT RHYMED.

To conclude this short but sweet post, I must say that I am extremely jubilant recently. I always want to hug people and jump around. Yes, I admit that when I am happy I exert myself upon others in public. That came off a little weird.