Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well, it has been a week. But that feels like an awfully long time, according to my friend AJ who pretty much told me I'm a slacker at blogging.

ANYWAY-school started off with a bang-aka 3 hours of homework a night. But I made a bet with my good friend Annie that we are going to be optimistic all year about our education. After all, it's free! Well, not really. We still have to pay for IB exams and what not, but it is definitely all worth while in the end.

Recently I've been extremely overjoyed with life. I've been noticing all the small and beautiful things that I haven't taken the time to look at before. I've been praying every night about how grateful I am for my life and the people/things in it. Even my dog, Wilson. He's the cutest darn pug I ever set my eyes upon, and he's mine :) But my point is, ever since I've changed my mindset from slightly anxious and apprehensive about the future to a more positive and reassured one, I've been feeling incredible! And, things have been going my way (which is awesome). I think something that really helped me was prayer and lists. I guess I'm now not only a blogger, but a list lover. (Bucket lists being my favorite) Another thing I've been keeping consistent at is exercising. Like my parents and just about everyone else in the world always says, to be healthy is to be a well rounded person in terms of mind, soul and body.

I don't really have anything important or cool to say at the moment, I'm just procrastinating from studying history. Thanks for listening :)