Tuesday, November 1, 2011

let go & LET GOD

One last thing.

I drive myself crazy, and since I don't have a twitter, sometimes I have no where else to talk about it but on here. Why can't people just move on? Life is just waiting for you to take the reigns and go. Run even. Just stop holding on to things that you know are only hurting you and the people around you. Why do people contemplate the same situation over and over again? That's how people start to lose it. Please, if you have something you're holding on to that is only detrimental to your well being and others around you, let go. Granted, the hardest part of moving on is letting go, but speaking from someone who is being impacted by an exact case of "I refuse to let go of my iron grip" syndrome, it's best for everyone. Especially the one directly holding on, but also for everyone. I feel anxious and upset when I know I shouldn't. It's just extra energy being wasted because I get so frustrated about this. Alright, I sound a little insensitive, so I'm just going to quite while i'm ahead.

"Life is like the monkey bars. You have to let go in order to move on."

On a side note; the "situation" I was referring to in regards to my own life, probably has nothing to do with you. So please don't make any assumptions, if you're curious just ask me. Thank you and goodnight everyone.